How it all began
Tony was born September of 2005 in a small town in Oklahoma. The youngest of nine, he was literally raised in a lap of luxury. Personal chefs, spa baths, mani-pedis and custom bowls filled with Fiji water were the norm.
Yet despite his privileged upbringing, Tony wanted to dig for something more. So, armed with a travel crate, a small Ziploc kibble bag, and his wee wee pads, Tony set out for the life of the New York City’s jet set. But it wasn’t going to be that simple. Unfortunately, after completing the first leg of his trip, his connecting flight in Dallas was abruptly cancelled due to weather. Now, stranded at the airport and alone, Tony didn’t know what fate had in mind for him that day.
But he would soon find out when he met Rudy in Terminal 3.
Rudy, born the summer of ’94, was a bastard child. His bitch of a mother, Peaches, left all of her young to fend for themselves in the battle-tested back streets of Georgia. Rudy, the youngest of his litter, had no choice but to fight for his survival. His chances were greatly increased when Rudy discovered his hidden talent for music and formed the Indie band “The Butthole Sniffers”. Playing at fire hydrants, alleys and public parks, the “Sniffers” soon had quite a following. Then, one fateful afternoon while performing Backyard of Broken Dreams, they were discovered by Sir Martin Von Schnauzer of Woof Records, a dog notorious for sniffing out bands like “The Poo Fighters”, “Twisted Setter” and “Muttley Crew”, and were promptly given a one way ticket to Hollywood.
Rudy's first release with the Butthole Sniffers went platinum 3 times.
It was there, at their connection in the Dallas airport, where Rudy met Tony, and the rest was history.
The combination of Rudy’s musical talent and Tony’s pretty boy good looks proved irresistible to a generation of young pups literally begging for a new treat.
They formed the band “The Dogs” and released Mount me 2 times babe, which quickly rose to the top of the charts. “The Dogs” were an overnight success. But fame, fortune, and females would soon take a toll on them: one legendary night in Seattle, Tony drank too much and relieved himself on stage. “The dogs” were soon banned in 20 states. Rudy’s destructive side began to show. He tore up one hotel room after another, chewing on furniture and eating through wires. The ill-fated “Waiting for the Bone Tour” was cancelled. Creative differences led to vicious dogfights. Shortly, the band broke up.
Tony went off to pursue his solo career under the moniker Sir Hump-a-lot, where his debut Woofalicious topped the charts for twenty-six straight weeks. Tony was rolling in the dough. But, as history repeats itself, fame got the best of him again. After being caught lip-synching on the popular talk show, Late Night with Fifi, the truth was out. Sir-hump-a-lot would at best be remembered as a mere asterisk on the pages of Rock and Roll history, or at worst, an invitation to be on the Surreal Life.
Around the same time, Rudy dipped his paw into acting, making his debut in Pincher’s ground-breaking film Bark Club. Despite his success on the big screen, something seemed to be missing for both Tony and Rudy, and the loneliness of Tinsel Town set in.
Both longed to rock again.
Months later, Tony and Rudy ran into each other in Central Park, NYC -- both a little older, wiser and calmer. Knowing that the damage to their music careers was too great to reunite, they put their minds together and formed TORU (for Tony and Rudy), an inarguably cool lifestyle company that would forever quench the insatiable thirst of all dogs who rock.
Tony operates out of his swanky bachelor pad in NYC, aka Toru Headquarters. A notable man about town, he gets around with the likes of Lola, Muffin & Oliver. Yes, Oliver. In his spare time he frequents Barney’s and Bergdorf’s and volunteers as a therapy dog (hey, every rock star has got to give something back).
Rudy, on the other hand, is based out of his Miami Beach compound enjoying his golden years. Taking swims in his bone shaped pool, leisurely walks by the ocean, and from time to time can be spotted playing the jazz flute at local underground clubs.
From rock stars to fashion moguls, Tony & Rudy are about to rock the dog world once again.
RIP Rudy Rossman.
Fourteen years ago Vanessa fell in love with Rudy (the "RU" in TORU) at the North Shore Animal League in Port Washington, NY. It was love at first sight. He had a little pot belly and his ears were bent in half. He was 7 weeks old and the last of his litter to be adopted. Through his “destructive” underwear eating terrible twos to his more mellow years, Rudy has always been right at Vanessa’s side through thick and thin. A ladies man (he was no dummy), a buddy and a protector – Rudy possessed all the qualities that anyone can ask for in a best friend. Everyone who got to know Rudy, loved him and knew they were loved right back.
Like a true New Yorker, Rudy got to spend his golden years down in Miami. Chilling out to Miles Davis, sunning himself on the terrace & chowing down on plenty of bar-b-q. Unfortunately, Cancer got the best of him and this day was inevitable. We know that Rudy is somewhere up there smiling down at us while chilling out to some Jazz and dismantling a squeaky toy.
Rudy will be missed and will never be forgotten.